The Overview...

The Membership Committee and Board of Directors have previously identified the typical personality of its members and interested candidates - dedicated individuals that participate in numerous organizations and maintain various affiliations.  With that being the case and not willing to lose the interest of those individuals active in many organizations, the membership requirements were restructured.  To maintain membership, an individual must maintain annual documentation and attendance as outlined through the organization's administrative policies.  

The Process...

Any individual interested in joining, will provide an email/letter of interest and their resume/curriculum vitae to the Membership Committee.  The committee will schedule an interview to provide an overview of the organization and answer any questions the individual may have in regards to the organization.  Any person not sure if they would like to join the team or not can coordinate observing a meeting through the Membership Committee so they can best determine if the organization is a good fit.  Once an individual is approved by the Committee, they must complete their application in the State Emergency Registry of Volunteers (SERV-PA) and complete the necessary National Incident Management System (NIMS) training.  

State Emergency Registry of Volunteers (SERV-PA)...

SERV-PA is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's online registry for medical and non-medical volunteers.  It allows the Commonwealth to coordinate individuals that dedicated to volunteering for emergency disaster response efforts,  SERVPA is a secure, confidential volunteer registry site utilized by numerous agencies and organizations.  It allows for maintaining contact information any active licenses or certifications, and other relevant background data.

To register for SMRT in SERVPA, you must select complete the registration and then select the Indiana SMAT-1 under the State Medical Assistance Teams in Organizations.

National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training...

To fulfil the NIMS requirements, all members must complete the following at a minimum and provide their certificates of completion.  The courses can be completed in person or through the FEMA Independent Study program.

-NIMS 100  - Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100
-NIMS 200  - ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents
-NIMS 700  - National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction
-NIMS 800  - National Response Framework, An Introduction